RA Jones, Inc. Building and Remodeling
Improving Homes on the Peninsula Since 1983
“It was bitter sweet when the room was finished, we had a beautiful room, but our daily visits with your crew came to an end.”
Mr. and Mrs. Ken R., Yorktown
"I appreciate the way you took care of many small details and minor adjustments to make sure that everything was just right and that we were happy with the way things turned out. "
Mr. and Mrs. Jack H., Williamsburg
"Thank you for the very professional manner in which you kept us informed as to when work would be started and completed…"
Mike W., Newport News
“Our porch is still our favorite room, after all these years!”
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy J., Newport News
"…I appreciate the way you took into consideration the special needs of my family at the time."
Chris C., Newport News
“People still stop when I am in the garden complimenting me, I guess you (R A Jones, Inc,), on our flat roof rails.”
Mr. and Mrs. Alan F., Newport News